
Monday, September 12, 2005

Welcome back

Wow, I haven't done this for a really long time. Wonder if it's kinda like riding a bike? Although, I haven't done that for a really long time either. Well, not really. But before the kids got Bryan and me bikes for our anniversary, I hadn't done that for probably 3 years.

Anyhoo. School starts for me tomorrow. Maybe it will inspire me to write controversial things again. Ha! Although I went back and checked some of my old posts. And besides the spam comments, a few anonymous people did leave comments on the whole women priests/ celibate priest discussion. Kinda got me thinking again...

As for an update... lovin' my job but getting really busy. lookin' forward to school starting, but dreading having to be disciplined about homework again. enjoyin' my new work schedule that allows me to be home two days in a row with the kids (all day Mon. and Tues., although I do have to work Mon. evenings for a few hours). Missing my college kids and trying desperately to get used to "only 8" kids at home-- it's really weird!

So, anybody out there still check my blog site? Let me know.