
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Same old, same old

Well, I figure if Eric Peterson can blog... time to give this another shot.

So what's new in my world? I don't want to bum everyone out (or the two people who may atually read this), but mostly negative stuff has been going on.

First, there's Melinda. In the last week she's managed to get kicked off student council and get ISS. All of this entails me getting a phone call from my former colleague, Peggy, who's now a counselor at CRMS. Melinda tells her she feels "pressure" to live up to the reputation of her siblings. Really?? Did one of them set some kind of record for detentions that I'm not aware of, because that's the only kind of reputation she's been trying to establish.

Then, there's my job. It's not totally dismal, but sometimes it's discouraging. For example, I have a Confirmation retreat coming up in about 10 days that's going to involve 120 kids and I only have about 5 leaders for it. I just did one of these retreats this past weekend, and it went pretty well. However, I read some of their "letters to the pastor" and it showed me that most of them have no idea what Confirmation is, what the Catholic faith is, and that most have minimal involvement in church (I asked them to discuss how they would be involved in the Church after being confirmed and most said something to the effect that they would try to come to Mass more often).

I also have a lot of stuff coming up at work that needs attention. Like our youth famine (which we're only doing for 24 hours this year instead of the standard 30). I have to find a bunch more service sites (although who knows, maybe we'll only get a dozen or so kids participating). And we're scheduling a spring break mission trip to Red Lake Indian Reservation for Mar. 27-31. Again, we'll see what kind of a response we get from the youth.

Whew, posting is exhausting. No wonder I don't do it more.


  • Yay! I check your blog half-heartedly about every other time I check blogs. So pretty much every other day. Mostly yours and dad's I skip through really fast on my way to my own. I'm glad to see a new post!

    By Blogger empeterson, at 7:50 PM  

  • Josh and I are still discussing helping with the retreat. We'll let you know soon.

    You know, I got ISS once, maybe Melinda is trying to beat that record. How did she get kicked off student council?

    By Blogger Gina, at 3:38 PM  

  • I want to know all about all of this Melinda stuff. What did she do to get ISS? And Gina, what did you do to get ISS?

    I got a bus report once. But that was just for beating someone bloody with a sheet of plywood.

    By Blogger Matthew B. Novak, at 8:28 PM  

  • Wait, if Melinda got kicked out of student counsel, does that make her the rebel of the nerds? Isn't that just a normal kid?

    By Blogger Matthew B. Novak, at 9:32 PM  

  • ok so it has been established that more than two people read your blog.

    anyway. life isn't that dismal. don't forget all the happy stuff! Like your grandson and ME!!

    anyway i will give melinda a call tonight and straighten her out

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:11 PM  

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